
Showing posts from February, 2021

Valuable Life Lessons

  Or travel with them Oh harsh truth emm I usually remain silence LOL how about working out? Kevin Hart is hilarious! yep, I hate people younger than me hh Hmm okay

Business on Instagram

  Research firm eMarketer found that in 2020, 80.1 million people in the U.S. made at least one purchase via a social media platform. It predicts that number will grow to 90.4 million this year, and that social commerce sales will reach $36 billion–or 4.3 percent of all e-commerce sales. Instagram, once an afterthought as a sales generator, can now function as an entire storefront for burgeoning businesses–especially with its growing Shops on Instagram feature. Read on for tips and strategies from successful “Insta-preneurs.” 1. Use direct messages  Puccini says that answering direct messages “put her on the map.” She found this strategy by accident after reaching out to an account that repeatedly liked her posts. The account belonged to a wedding planner in Connecticut who became her first client and continues to work with her today. Puccini says 17 of her total 26 custom gift box clients have come directly from Instagram messenger conversations. Puccini handles these custom ...

Make Sure Everyone Benefits

  In 2010, roughly 4% of workers telecommuted, according to Census data. By 2019, that number had crept up to just 5%. But in May of last year, during lockdowns, 35% of the workforce was working at home every day, according to a survey from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Now many employers are trying to be more intentional about their policies so that more employees can actually benefit. Lockdowns forced companies to embrace flexibility For many companies, what began as a contingency plan has become the norm. “This is something that’s going to have a life long after Covid, long after the vaccine,” says Jill Chapman, a senior performance consultant with human resources provider Insperity. “Remote working and the idea of flexibility, it’s not like we weren’t talking about that before the pandemic.” It’s that the pandemic has forced companies to adjust. As Chapman puts it, “It’s like the future of work just showed up one day and that day was March 14.” Now many employers are tryi...

The Power of Perspective

  This photographer named Hugo Suissas from Lisbon, Portugal creates surreal, mind-bending, and magical photographs by using forced perspective and angles. He turns simple bridges and landscapes into surreal and fantastical places, and items like keys, fruits, and kids’ toys into magical props. Every single photograph has a different story and a different idea. They help us see the dull and boring world that we’re used to in a new and more fun way. Awesome! Adorable cottage~ I wish building a castle would be that easy~ Wow, I love the sunset as well! Do you wanna live in one of those? Strangely I am looking at his thumb lol WOW!! I like this That’s art Cool! It makes her vision sharper? You jump, I jump~

Items that Were Invented by Mistake

  Nachos An urban fairytale of how this snack was born is about Ignacio ‘Nacho’ Anaya Garcia, who was working in the kitchen in Piedras Negras (Coahuila state, Mexico) when a handful of US military wives from a nearby base passed by the restaurant for a snack. With the chef nowhere to be seen, he threw together some tortillas topped with cheese and jalapeños and named it Nachos especiales. That result became a now widely consumed dish and what would have been the 124th birthday of Nacho last year was even commemorated by a Google Doodle. Eventually, Nacho ended up opening his own restaurant. Chocolate Chip Cookies One of the stories goes that Ruth Wakefield was baking chocolate cookies for her guests only to run out of powdered baker’s chocolate, so she decided to break up a Nestle’s semi-sweet chocolate bar. As some kitchen experiments do, it turned into a semi-disappointment as the chocolate pieces only melted slightly, retaining their shape. But the guests loved them and the nex...

Question at Every Interview to Spot a Liar

  Any successful CEO will tell you that the people you hire can make or break your company. So what are the top traits hiring managers need to look for, and how do they spot them in a candidate? According to Elon Musk, it’s not about what school you went to or your level of education. “There’s no need even to have a college degree at all, or even high school,” the Tesla CEO said. Instead, Musk looks for “evidence of exceptional ability” when it comes to hiring. “If there’s a track record of exceptional achievement, then it’s likely that that will continue into the future,” he said. How Elon Musk Spots a Liar The problem is that anyone can say they’re the best at what they do, but it can be hard — and at times impossible — to know whether they’re telling the truth. Luckily, Musk revealed his solution at the World Government Summit in 2017. He asks each candidate he interviews the same question: “Tell me about some of the most difficult problems you worked on and how you solved them....

Kapasitas Pemeriksaan di Indonesia

  Sebagai negara dengan jumlah penduduk terbesar ke-empat [2]  di dunia, Indonesia saat ini terus berusaha meningkatkan kapasitas tes COVID-19, ketersediaan dua teknologi pengujian tambahan diharapkan dapat mempercepat pengujian infeksi aktif yang andal serta mendukung strategi kesehatan masyarakat, termasuk pelacakan kontak (contact tracing).   Teknologi terbaru yang diperkenalkan Abbott di Indonesia termasuk alat rapid tes Panbio™ COVID-19 Ag untuk mendeteksi virus SARS-CoV-2 pada orang yang dicurigai menderita COVID-19 dan platform uji COVID-19 ID NOW™ untuk deteksi point-of-care molekuler tercepat untuk mendeteksi virus corona.   Pada tahun 2020, Abbott telah mengirimkan 400 juta alat tes COVID-19 ke seluruh dunia dan dalam beberapa bulan mendatang, jutaan alat tes tersebut akan tersedia untuk Indonesia.   Tes COVID-19 yang Cepat dan Andal hanya dengan Usap Nasal (Swab Hidung) Alat rapid tes Panbio™ COVID-19 Ag adalah alat uji aliran lateral untuk deteksi ce...

Bersosialisasi secara Daring

  Cara agar tetap lebih aman dalam berintenet yang sejalan dengan semangat  Safer Internet Day , Mengingat Penggunaan Internet sehari-hari meningkat   2020 telah membuktikan kalau hampir semua aktivitas dapat dilakukan secara  digital  (daring) dengan bantuan teknologi. Dari yang awalnya kita gak pernah terbayang untuk kuliah online, sekarang kita sudah terbiasa dan bahkan sudah mulai menikmatinya ( ppsstt…  karena kita bisa bangun lebih siang). Namun, tentunya kuliah online tidak seasik kalau kuliah IRL, dimana kita bisa bertemu dan makan bareng dengan teman-teman,  betul gak?  Nah, dengan bantuan teknologi, kita tetap bisa bertemu dan mengobrol dengan teman-teman, bahkan kita bisa mencari teman baru di luar lingkaran pertemanan melalui  social discovery app,  seperti Tinder.   Bersosialisasi online memiliki banyak sisi positifnya, seperti kita bisa memperluas koneksi pertemanan baik dari dalam maupun dari luar negeri yang memiliki...

Cinta untuk Pelanggan Setia

  Di tengah masa sulit yang saat ini sedang dialami dan pembatasan aktivitas sosial yang sedang diterapkan, 3 (Tri) Indonesia ingin mengajak para pelanggannya untuk tetap melihat sisi positif dari keadaan ini. Sisi positif ini adalah para pengguna dapat menjadi lebih dekat dengan keluarga, menerapkan cara hidup yang sehat, dan dapat melakukan hobi yang jarang dilakukan, seperti menonton film di rumah.  Oleh karena itu, 3 Indonesia ingin mendukung hobi para penggunanya selama di rumah saja, terutama di masa liburan Tahun Baru Imlek dan juga hari kasih sayang. Kali ini, dukungan yang diberikan adalah berupa angpao dan kado cinta yang bisa didapatkan hanya dengan mengakses film streaming.    “Di tengah pembatasan aktivitas sosial yang mendorong pergeseran gaya hidup saat ini, masyarakat semakin tertarik dalam aktivitas online, termasuk streaming film. Kami pun selalu berusaha untuk menyediakan hal yang dibutuhkan oleh para pelanggan setia kami. Melalui program KlikFilm ...

*Komitmen PLN Kembangkan EBT*

  PLTA Rajamandala berkapasitas 47 Mega Watt (MW) yang berlokasi di Cianjur, Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu wujud nyata komitmen PLN dalam mengoptimalkan penggunaan Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT). Beroperasi sejak Mei 2019, pembangkit ini mampu memproduksi listrik mencapai 496 Mega Watt hour (MWh) per hari dan 181 Giga Watt hour (GWh) pertahun.  Sejalan dengan pilar _green_ dalam transformasinya, PLN terus berupaya meningkatkan penggunaan Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT). Komitmen ini terwujud melalui salah satu anak usaha PLN, PT Indonesia Power (IP) dalam mengelola dan mengoperasikan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Rajamandala.  "PLTA Rajamandala hadir melalui kerjasama antara Anak Perusahaan PLN yaitu IP dengan kepemilikan saham sebesar 51% dan Kansai Electric Power Corp Japan (KEPCO) sebesar 49% yang menjadi PT Rajamandala Electric Power," terang Direktur Utama Indonesia Power, M. Ahsin Sidqi.  Ahsin menjelaskan, listrik yang dihasilkan dari PLTA Rajamandala turu...

Being Taken Advantage of At Work?

  Nothing makes a job miserable faster than a bad boss—particularly the kind who has no qualms overworking the staff. Sure, sometimes you’re going to be asked to go above and beyond your duties, and you’ll have to comply because that’s just part of being a team player. But feeling unappreciated or like you’re constantly being taken advantage of is absolutely not in anyone’s job description. Cue the stress headaches. 1. What Does it Mean to Take Someone for Granted? Of course, as an employee, you’re expected to perform a certain set of duties that fall within your job description. But when your value is overlooked or your boss seems indifferent to your contributions, that’s when a red flag should go up. A good boss knows the motivating power of recognition and should be acknowledging you both one-on-one and in group settings. 2. Is your employer taking advantage of you? Here are five indications that you’re being taken advantage of at work. a. You’re consistently working overtime “M...