Ridiculous Food Servings (Section 1)


We Want Plates is a community of both regular people and dedicated foodies who are joining their forces to make restaurants serve food on actual plates, not on bits of wood and roof tiles. To do so, they are shaming all the ridiculous food presentations they are receiving online, and their crusade has made them quite famous.

“Our Environmentally Friendly Tempura Is Made With Sustainable Seafood And Vegetables, Harvested In Ways That Consider The Long-Term Well-Being Of Our Precious Land And Oceans.”“Wonderful! How’s It Served?”“On A Large Polystyrene Block.”

Cocktail Bathtub Complete With Rubber Ducky

Caesar Salad Or Charlie Brown Christmas Tree?

The Chips Come In A Rock

Turns Out The Best Plates Are At Arm’s Reach

Espresso… To Go

Please Take A Charcuterie And Have A Seat


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