
Showing posts from November, 2021

The Absurdity Of Modern Times

They say that you shouldn’t ever meet your heroes, but we wholeheartedly disagree. Wholesome is as wholesome does. And there are plenty of celebrities and stars who are full to the brim with love, life, laughter, and kindness. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5

Schwa Sylables

  They had recently started my  British English Pronunciation Course  and wanted to make a few observations. With just a few days of training under their belt, they told me that they already felt they had discovered one of the keys to drastically improving their pronunciation -  awareness . If you are not  aware  of common pronunciation mistakes, then how can you possibly  correct  them? Pronunciation training is often neglected in English lessons, with teachers correcting students on a word-by-word basis. In my course, we start by breaking pronunciation down into  individual sounds . How can you master the pronunciation of a word, if you can't correctly produce one of its consonant or vowel sounds? Take a look at the schwa sound, for example: be hind am aze con trol finan cial sup pose All of these words feature the schwa sound. Any of the vowel letters can spell out the schwa sound - a, e, i, o, u and even y. How do we make the schwa sound?...


  TKR pertama, Yang nanti menjadi TNI. Dan komandan divisi pertama TKR itu bernama Kolonel KH. Sam’un, pengasuh pesantren di Banten. Komandan divisi ketiga masih Kyai, yakni kolonel KH. Arwiji Kartawinata (Tasikmalaya). Sampai tingkat resimen Kyai juga yang memimpin. Fakta, resimen 17 dipimpin oleh Letnan Kolonel KH. Iskandar Idris. Resimen 8 dipimpin Letnan Kolonel KH. Yunus Anis. Di batalyon pun banyak komandan Kyai. Komandan batalyon TKR Malang misalnya, dipimpin Mayor KH. Iskandar Sulaiman yang saat itu menjabat Rais Suriyah NU Kabupaten Malang. Ini dokumen arsip nasional, ada Sekretariat Negara dan TNI. Tapi semua data itu tidak ada di buku bacaan anak SD/SMP/SMA. Seolah tidak ada peran Kyai. KH. Hasyim Asy'ari yang ditetapkan pahlawan oleh Bung Karno pun tidak ditulis. Jadi jasa para Kyai dan santri memang dulu disingkirkan betul dari sejarah berdirinya Republik Indonesia ini. Waktu itu, Indonesia baru berdiri. Tidak ada duit untuk bayar tentara. Hanya para Kyai dengan santri...


  #1  4 Year-Old Me (Big Disney Fan)! Winnie-The-Pooh Footed Pjs, Wdw Sippy Cup, Disney ‘76 Olympics Sheet Set.. #2  Introducing Zoppy, A Bubble Wrap Combination Of My And My Friends’ Sister #3    I Found This Perfect Picture Of Elsa On Youtube. #4  I Had A Huge Obsession With Harry Styles And One Direction About Two Years Ago… Was Going Through My Photos And Found This Beauty. #5    I Have No Idea Why I Have This, But I Do


  Kecerdasan dalam mengolah emosi secara efektif guna mencapai tujuan ini penting karena pengolahan emosi yang baik akan mendukung kesuksesan dalam hidup seseorang.  Kecerdasan mengolah emosi ini membuat seseorang lebih peka terhadap emosi orang lain yang tidak bisa didapatkan dengan membaca, tapi harus dilatih dengan berkomunikasi, berinterkasi secara intens dan yang paling mudah dengan berorganisasi.  Dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan, mahasiswa dapat belajar bagaimana memahami orang lain dan bertanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri dan lingkungan sosial serta mampu berfikir kreatif dalam mencapai visi dan misi organisasi. Berbekal pengalaman di organisasi inilah mahasiswa kemudian akan memiliki kecerdasan sosial dan ketangkasan dalam menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan..   Kita sering berhadapan dengan situasi yang tidak ideal dan berhari-hari rdiskusi bagaimana merubahnya, kita juga pernah merasa  terancam dan berjuang untuk menghadapinya berdasarkan nilai-nilai ya...

It’s Never Too Late To Learn

  #1 TIL alpacas are being used as bodyguards in some turkey farms, since they instinctively accept the birds into their herd and scare off foxes.handed: Only 10% of the world’s population is left-handed. #2 A duet sung by Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson remained unfinished because Mercury walked out of the recording. He couldn’t tolerate Jackson bringing his pet llama into the studio #3 Hippos sleep underwater even though they breathe air. They automatically close their nostrils and surface to breathe every 3-5 minutes. This all happens unconsciously, even in their sleep. #4 Switzerland has 7 simultaneous “presidents”, each with equal power. Every year they rotate control of 7 federal depts & who acts as “head of state” (e.g. when dealing with other countries). They come from various parties — right now it’s 2 conservatives, 2 liberals, 2 socialists, and a centrist #5 Velociraptors were the size of a turkey in real life, not 2m (6 1⁄2 ft) tall as they were portrayed in Jur...