Happy Easter


Regardless of what you celebrate, I know lots of you are very interested in British culture and traditions, so today on Easter Sunday we'd like to share how we celebrate this event.

Will and I were not brought up in religious households, but lots of Brits celebrate traditions like Christmas and Easter regardless of their religion.

At Easter, we have 2 bank holidays - Good Friday, and Easter Monday. This means that most people get 4 days off work! Usually, we travel back to our hometowns and visit our families. Will and I have done just that - we've spent Good Friday and Easter Saturday with my parents, and we're travelling to see Will's family today.

On Good Friday, we typically eat hot cross buns. A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top. We have them toasted with melted butter! Delicious! If you come to the UK on Good Friday I recommend that you try them! They are lovely with a cup of tea. On Good Friday we also did something that isn't very traditional - my father and I made an Easter paella 😂 I was inspired by my time in Spain. It was delicious!

My dad is a keen gardener, and he has just built an incredible greenhouse. He loves growing vegetables. He very kindly agreed to give you a tour of his vegetable garden and greenhouse for my next vlog! I think you will enjoy it, so keep your eyes peeled for that on the Lucy Bella channel!

Easter Sunday is the main day of celebration. In the UK, Easter is all about CHOCOLATE! In particular - chocolate eggs! We give Easter eggs to our friends and family. For the children, we hide chocolate eggs around the garden and let them find them! This is called an 'Easter Egg Hunt'. Some parents say that a magical rabbit called 'The Easter Bunny' provides these eggs. I remember being 4 years old, and waking up to see some huge rabbit footprints in my garden! They lead to some chocolate eggs! It was really magical.

If you know me, you'll know that the way to my heart is through fruit. I absolutely love fruit! In previous years, Will has given me egg-shaped fruit instead of chocolate - he knows me too well! He hid grapes, kiwis, mangoes and (the big finale) a watermelon! Now that was a magical Easter!

We traditionally have a big Sunday roast for lunch - an Easter lunch! Typically, we serve roast lamb, with roast potatoes, mint sauce, boiled carrots, broccoli, and peas. We cover it all with a meat sauce called 'gravy'. It's definitely a highlight! Today Will's mum is preparing the Easter lunch - she is an incredible cook! My mouth is already watering!

Right - I've got to go and start hiding the chocolate eggs that I bought for my family! I hope that you enjoyed hearing about our traditions! It's a lovely celebration - the best part is spending time with family (although the chocolate is also a highlight)


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