Keep Calm and Be Productive
Finding it difficult to work from home (WFH) in the wake of the Coronavirus epidemic? You are not alone. Thousands of professionals are forced to take WFH. Though a welcome move to curb the COVID-19 epidemic, many are finding it difficult to manage both work and home from the same place. For those with kids, it’s a double whammy.
But the good news is; with practice and discipline; it’s manageable. Here are eight sure shot tips to keep calm and be productive when working from home.
1. Get dressed
Sounds trivial but it works. Getting ready for work sends the right signals to your brain and sets you in the right frame of mind. And if you fancy working in pajamas, go ahead, give it a try. However, studies suggest employees work better when they are appropriately dressed for ‘work’.

2. Workspace
If you can sit down anywhere and get the work done. This isn’t for you. Others can find a space that helps in making them productive. It could be a separate room, a well laid out desk or a kitchen table. It’s your choice. It should work for you and your company
3. Right Tech
Technology is one of the essentials of working from home. Make sure your gadgets and internet service do not give in.
4. Have a plan
Before your start, have a schedule as to what all you want to accomplish. It’s important to make a list of the tasks and estimate how much time each would take. A simple to-do list is great for keeping you motivated and on course.

5. Take a break
As you tick off the tasks in your to-do list, take a break in between as a reward for what all you have been able to complete. Studies also suggest short breaks work better than less frequent and long breaks.
6. Communicate
Got stuck with something? Need help? Pick up the phone or use online chat to connect with a co-worker.
7. Swap responsibilities
Couples with young kids can take turns to look after the kids.

7. Be disciplined
This is the most important part. Nothing great ever is achieved without discipline.
If you want to make a success of the WFH option this is the time. Practice and you may get used to it.
Happy working from home!
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