

  Kecerdasan dalam mengolah emosi secara efektif guna mencapai tujuan ini penting karena pengolahan emosi yang baik akan mendukung kesuksesan dalam hidup seseorang.  Kecerdasan mengolah emosi ini membuat seseorang lebih peka terhadap emosi orang lain yang tidak bisa didapatkan dengan membaca, tapi harus dilatih dengan berkomunikasi, berinterkasi secara intens dan yang paling mudah dengan berorganisasi.  Dalam organisasi kemahasiswaan, mahasiswa dapat belajar bagaimana memahami orang lain dan bertanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri dan lingkungan sosial serta mampu berfikir kreatif dalam mencapai visi dan misi organisasi. Berbekal pengalaman di organisasi inilah mahasiswa kemudian akan memiliki kecerdasan sosial dan ketangkasan dalam menyelesaikan berbagai persoalan..   Kita sering berhadapan dengan situasi yang tidak ideal dan berhari-hari rdiskusi bagaimana merubahnya, kita juga pernah merasa  terancam dan berjuang untuk menghadapinya berdasarkan nilai-nilai ya...

It’s Never Too Late To Learn

  #1 TIL alpacas are being used as bodyguards in some turkey farms, since they instinctively accept the birds into their herd and scare off foxes.handed: Only 10% of the world’s population is left-handed. #2 A duet sung by Freddie Mercury and Michael Jackson remained unfinished because Mercury walked out of the recording. He couldn’t tolerate Jackson bringing his pet llama into the studio #3 Hippos sleep underwater even though they breathe air. They automatically close their nostrils and surface to breathe every 3-5 minutes. This all happens unconsciously, even in their sleep. #4 Switzerland has 7 simultaneous “presidents”, each with equal power. Every year they rotate control of 7 federal depts & who acts as “head of state” (e.g. when dealing with other countries). They come from various parties — right now it’s 2 conservatives, 2 liberals, 2 socialists, and a centrist #5 Velociraptors were the size of a turkey in real life, not 2m (6 1⁄2 ft) tall as they were portrayed in Jur...

“What’s Wrong With Your Dog?”

  Every time I land in a corner of the internet where no one’s arguing, fighting or calling each other names, I savor it. And the subreddit “What’s Wrong With Your Dog?” is as pure as they can get. Continue scrolling and tell me you’re not feeling calmer with each image. I dare you. #1  The Sad Face He Gives Me When He Can’t Sit In My Lap While I Drive #2  This Feeling #3  She Always Goes Like This When I Take Out The Nail Clipper #4  The Shelter Said She Was Shy And Wouldn’t Want To Be Around Us Much… But This Is What I Wake Up To Every Day #5  Wakes Me At 5am For Her Walk. This Is The Walk #6  How My Dogs Prefer To Nap… #7  He Heard The Treat Bag Open

Girl And Woman Memes

  Take the Instagram account “Girl and woman memes,” for example. It hasn’t been around for long. The first post on the account appeared in February 2020, but it has already garnered a legion of fans. 152k, to be exact. The reason for this success is simple: people find the content relatable. Apparently, it perfectly describes what it’s like to be a woman in 2021. Continue scrolling and let us know if you agree! #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

Awkward Texting Scenarios

  With how much we text on a daily basis, it’s inevitable to encounter an awkward texting conversation now and then. For example, you send your roommate a detailed text about all the cleaning you did last night, asking her to please keep her dogs away from the polished kitchen floors. Her response? “Noted.” Immediately, you panic—thinking your usually verbose roommate is annoyed with you for pointing out all the cleaning you did, or for telling her what to do. But is she annoyed, really? How can you tell? Receiving a one-word reply after you’ve sent a long message doesn’t exactly feel like a good sign, and now the conversation is just . . . awkward. Here are our tips for gracefully navigating some common awkward texting scenarios. 1. When autocorrect leads to an embarrassing typo We’ve all fallen victim to autocorrect. Even though this handy technology is meant to help us, it often messes things up for us, too, from accidental profanities to autocorrects that distort your message. ...

Romance Novel

  Moving from academic to romance writing can be a challenge, even for a romance lover. Luckily, many skills necessary for effective academic and non-genre writing are transferable to romance novel writing, though a potential romance novelist needs to remember few specific elements. Even if you already have an inspired idea for a sizzling story, following a few basic steps will help you create your romance novel. 1.  Know Your Subgenre Romance is an enormous genre, so in the beginning stages of the writing process, target a subgenre. Discover what specific subgenre best fits your ideas and begin to shape your novel based on that. For example, historical, paranormal, urban and erotic romance are common romance novel subgenres. An historical romance should give your reader a real sense of place and relevant historical events; a paranormal romance should create conflict around a paranormal element of the story such as a ghost character; an urban romance takes place primarily in a...

History of the Novel

  The novel originated in the early 18th century after the Italian word “novella,” which was used for stories in the medieval period. Its identity has evolved and it is now considered to mean a work of prose fiction over 50,000 words. Novels focus on character development more than plot. In any genre, it is the study of the human psyc The Beginning The ancestors of the novel were Elizabethan prose fiction and French heroic romances, which were long narratives about contemporary characters who behaved nobly. The novel came into popular awareness towards the end of the 1700s, due to a growing middle class with more leisure time to read and money to buy books. Public interest in the human character led to the popularity of autobiographies, biographies, journals, diaries and memoirs. English Novels The early English novels concerned themselves with complex, middle-class characters struggling with their morality and circumstances. “Pamela,” a series of fictional letters written in 1741 ...