
Happy Easter

  Regardless of what you celebrate, I know lots of you are very interested in British culture and traditions, so today on Easter Sunday we'd like to share how we celebrate this event. Will and I were not brought up in religious households, but lots of Brits celebrate traditions like Christmas and Easter regardless of their religion. At Easter, we have 2 bank holidays - Good Friday, and Easter Monday. This means that most people get 4 days off work! Usually, we travel back to our hometowns and visit our families. Will and I have done just that - we've spent Good Friday and Easter Saturday with my parents, and we're travelling to see Will's family today. On Good Friday, we typically eat hot cross buns. A hot cross bun is a spiced sweet bun usually made with fruit, marked with a cross on the top. We have them toasted with melted butter! Delicious! If you come to the UK on Good Friday I recommend that you try them! They are lovely with a cup of tea. On Good Friday we also d...


    *ARAB SAUDI* Datang ke Indonesia disambut sangat terhormat sebagai Tamu Negara yang akhirnya hanya Menginap di Bali tanpa jadi Kerjasama Besar dengan NKRI . *CHINA* Datang ke NKRI sebagai Negara yang bekerjasama dalam investasi membangun Infrastruktur NKRI dan bersedia KONTRAK KARYA  EUROPA Kerjasama yang selama ini berjalan hanya sebagai pembeli Hasil Bumi Indonesia tidak bersedia kerjasama dalam bentuk KONTRAK KARYA Hingga akhirnya Uni Eropa menganggap NKRI di Pimpin Joko Widodo di takuti . Sebenarnya..., kenapa ada sebagian rakyat yang demo....?  Sebagian rakyat itu demo..., karena mereka tidak percaya sama pemerintah.  Kenapa mereka tidak percaya....?  Karena mereka tidak tahu apa yang sedang dikerjakan pemerintah. Mungkin banyak di antara kita yang tidak tahu..., apa yang diam-diam dikerjakan oleh Pak Jokowi....?  Saat ini Arab Saudi lagi sadar..., bahwa minyak bumi mau habis..., sehingga Putra Mahkota nya diperintah untuk diplomasi kemana-ma...


  Collocations - these are word combinations that simply sound just right to native speakers. They are two or more words that are often found together and sound correct. e.g. budget cut, do homework, break a habit Idioms - these expressions, words, or phrases that cannot be translated literally into your own language. If you translate them, they will not have the same meaning. e.g. it's raining cats and dogs, it's not my cup of tea Phrasal Verbs - these are the combination of a basic verb with one or more particles (a preposition and/or an adverb). You can't understand a phrasal verb by looking at the verb alone - you have to look at the phrasal verb as a whole! e.g look up, take off, go out As I explained, these are notoriously hard to learn because there is no magic solution!  You just have to learn them! The best way to learn them is to study a little bit every day, and I can help you with that! Find a pe...

Pembebasan Al-Aqsa dan Palestina

Perempuan dan anak-anak menjadi pihak paling lemah dan banyak menjadi korban dalam krisis Palestina. Sudah lebih dari 74 tahun Zionis Israel melakukan kezaliman terhadap rakyat Palestina, sebagian diantara target utamanya adalah perempuan dan anak-anak. Meski begitu, peran para perempuan Palestina memberikan andil besar dalam upaya mempertahankan Al-Aqsa. Para Murabitah (penjaga perempuan) dengan gigih ikut menjaga Al-Aqsa di garda terdepan. Tidak sedikit di antara mereka yang berulang kali ditangkap oleh tentara Zionis Israel. Salah satunya adalah Hanady Halawany yang sudah 25 kali keluar masuk penjara Israel. Sebelumnya, organisasi pembela hak tahanan Palestina yang memantau kondisi warga Palestina di penjara-penjara Israel, Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS), mengungkapkan 40 tahanan perempuan mengalami kekerasan, kondisi sulit, dan investigasi brutal di penjara Israel. Mereka mengalami penyiksaan psikologis dan perampasan kebutuhan dasar. Sementara itu, banyak aktivis internasiona...

Pasien Positif Omicron

  *Kapan boleh divaksin ?*  1. positif Covid-19 sebelum vaksin booster, pasien dengan kondisi asimtomatik, ringan, dan sedang, bisa divaksin minimal satu bulan setelah terkonfirmasi positif. 2. Pada kondisi Covid-19 dengan gejala berat, vaksin booster dapat diberikan minimal tiga bulan setelah terkonfirmasi positif. Mengutip pernyataan Satgas Covid-19, vaksin baru diperbolehkan untuk orang sehat, termasuk pada orang yang tidak mengalami demam dan suhu tubuh kurang dari 37,5 derajat Celsius. Jika sedang demam dan suhu tubuh lebih dari 37,5 derajat, maka disarankan untuk menunda pelaksanaan vaksinasi. Kondisi lain adalah memiliki tekanan darah tinggi, riwayat alergi pada vaksin, dan sejumlah komorbid juga perlu menjadi diperhatikan oleh calon penerima vaksin. Selain itu, laman Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam Indonesia (PAPDI) juga memberikan rekomendasi orang-orang yang tidak layak divaksinasi, berikut daftarnya: 1. Terdapat reaksi alergi berupa anafilaksis dan reaks...

Valentines Day

  Today is one of my favourite holidays! It's the holiday that people love to hate! Some see it as the perfect opportunity to show someone that you have a crush on them, or that they are the apple of your eye! Other people think it's an excuse for businesses to pressure people into spending more money, or a way to shame single people. In my family, Valentine's Day is seen as a silly excuse to be extra romantic to your partner, and extra thoughtful to your friends and family. We do this in 4 ways: Valentine's Cards - We make cards for each other! They are nearly always hand made. I send three every year - one to my husband Will, one to my dad, and one to my lovely aunt Madeline. My aunt Madeline has sent me a hand made card every Valentine's Day since I was born! I now have 26 cards, and many of them are framed on my childhood bedroom wall! Traditionally the cards are meant to be anonymous, so we always sign them from 'your secret admirer' with lots of questi...

Reaction to Novac Djocovic

  Having in mind how divided people are on the question of the vaccine, any news on the matter can intensify the debate even further. This is what happened when the news about Serbian professional tennis player Novak Djokovic broke, announcing that his visa to Australia was denied. This has made a lot of people question the player and the whole situation. Some people online decided to look at this matter from a more humorous perspective, so soon various funny memes and reactions started circulating on Twitter, most of them being against Djokovic being given the opportunity to participate in the Australian Open tennis tournament. #1 #2 #3 The Australian Open tennis tournament will start on the 17th of January this year and will end on the 30th of January. Given the situation that the whole world has to deal with, Australia is known to be a country that is succeeding in tackling the virus as 90% of its population have been vaccinated, and a requirement for all those who come to Austr...