Common Texting Abbreviations

Texting has now been around for over 25 years and it’s estimated that 8 trillion text messages are sent globally every year. Like it or not, texting abbreviations (like the ubiquitous “LOL”) are very commonly used in messages—and not knowing their meaning can at best cause confusion and at worst get you in trouble.
2nite: Tonight
The numeral “2” is often substituted for “to” or “too” when texting. For example, “2moro” (“tomorrow”) and “G2G” (“got to go”).
Example: I’m free 2nite. Got dinner plans?
B4N: Bye for now
Example: Just got 2 work. B4N
BC: Because
Example: Tacos for lunch bc it’s Tuesday!
BTW: By the way
Example: BTW I ate your plums in the fridge. So sweet, so cold!
CYA: See ya
“C” is often used as a stand-in for “see,” such as “CYT” (“see you tomorrow”) and “CU” (“see you”).
Example: Great chat! Gotta study for my final now. CYA
DM: Direct message
On social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram, a “direct message” is a private message that only the recipient can access, rather than a post that’s publicly visible.
Example: Thanks for responding to my “roommate wanted” ad. DM me for more info and photos of the room.
FTW: For the win
The exact origins of this phrase are debated—Hollywood Squares, rugby, and World of Warcraft have all been cited as popularizing it. It’s typically used as a rallying cry or as an exclamation of celebration, sometimes ironically.
Example: Almost finished with my final class project. One more late night ftw!
IDK: I don’t know
Example: Why does no one know what IDK means?
ILY: I love you
Example: Thanks for bringing me pizza today! ILY
IMO: in my opinion
Example: IMO that rug really tied the room together.
JK: Just kidding
Example: Just finished my novel! JK. 60,000 more words to go…
LOL: Laughing out loud
Example: Wondered why my mac n’ cheese was bland, then realized I forgot to add the cheese packet. LOL
NP: No problem
Example: NP that you’re running late, I just left the house too.
NVM: Nevermind
Example: Can you buy more ketchup? Oh nvm, just found the bottle in the door.
OMG: Oh my God
Example: OMG this bookstore is having a huge sale! Let’s hope there’s also a bookshelf sale…
OMW: On my way
Example: Feel free to grab a table, I’m OMW.
TBH: To be honest
Example: I am not a fan of jello. It’s way too wiggly, TBH
THX: Thanks
Example: Can you send me the link to the event page? THX
TMI: Too much information
Example: I just learned how hotdogs are made. TMI
TTYL: Talk to you later
Similar variations include “TTYT” (“talk to you tomorrow”) and “TTFN (“ta-ta for now”).
Example: Gotta sign off now. TTYL
YOLO: You only live once
Life is short, so why not live it up? Seize the day. Step outside of your comfort zone. Take risks. Do what’s exciting, silly, fun, or even a little dangerous.
Example: Ordering the extra extra spicy wings against my better judgement. YOLO
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