Literary Genres (11): Mythology
A myth is a classic or legendary story that usually focuses on a particular hero or event, and explains mysteries of nature, existence, or the universe with no true basis in fact. Myths exist in every culture; but the most well known in Western culture and literature are part of Greek and Roman mythology. The characters in myths—usually gods, goddesses, warriors, and heroes—are often responsible for the creation and maintenance of elements of nature, as well as physical, emotional, and practical aspects of human existence—for example Zeus; the god of the sky and the earth and father of gods and men, and Aphrodite; the goddess of love and fertility.
Myths are mostly very old, and happen to have ruled the world when science, philosophy, and technology were not very precise, as they are today. Therefore, people were unaware of certain questions, like why the sky is blue, or why night is dark, or what are the causes of earthquakes. Thus, it was myths that explained natural phenomena, and described rituals and ceremonies to the people.
Types of Myths
The Greek Myths
The Greek myths are a collection of myths developed by the ancient Greeks. They were developed long before the Roman, with evidence of their existence dating back as far as 2000BC. The myths concern topics such as the origins of human practices and rituals, the laws of nature, gods and heroes, and so on. Many myths explain the origin of the universe and the creation of man. The Greek myths also have a pantheon of gods and goddesses who rule and order the universe, the most notable being the Olympians, the gods and goddesses who reside under Zeus on Mount Olympus. The most widely used elements of myth in fiction are from Greek mythology, particularly its gods and goddesses.
The Roman Myths
The Roman myths are a collection of myths about the origins and development of ancient Rome; of which the stories primarily pertain to order of Roman society, rather than the order of the universe. It is believed the Romans thought of them as true historical accounts, despite the fact that they included supernatural and mystical elements. They are also religious in nature, and use divine law to explain issues of politics and morality. Like the Greek myths, they have pantheon of gods and goddesses, most of which are named from the stars and planets. However, the gods have a much smaller role in Roman mythology and religion than in the Greek. Unlike the Greek myths, the Roman myths do not have a creation story about the origin of the universe.

Examples of Myths in Literature
Example 1
Romeo and Juliet (By William Shakespeare)
Roman and Greek myths, though originally not available in English, have deeply influenced English works. During the times of the ancient Greeks, they had a belief that some invisible gods, such as Zeus, had created this world. We read in such Greek stories that passions for humans controlled the gods, and hence gods fought for them. Likewise, Romans had beliefs in such deities. Due to mythological influences, many literary authors refer to the Greek and Roman myths in order to add meanings to their works. For instance, Shakespeare, in his play Romeo and Juliet, uses Greek mythology when Juliet cries out saying that,
“Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,
Towards Phoebus’ lodging.”
In Greek mythology, Phoebus was god of the sun, and here Juliet urges that god to bring him home quickly, so that night could come, and she may meet her lover Romeo.
Example 2
The Waste Land (By T. S. Eliot)
T. S. Eliot uses two underlying myths to develop the structure of his long poem The Waste Land. These myths are of the Grail Quest and the Fisher King, both of which originate from Gaelic traditions, and come to the Christian civilization. Though Eliot has not taken these myths from the Bible, both were significant for Europeans, as they incorporated them into European mythology, and these stories focused on the account of the death and resurrection of Christ.
Importance of Myths
Myths exist in every society, as they are basic elements of human culture. The main function of myths is to teach moral lessons and explain historical events. Authors of great literary works have often taken their stories and themes from myths. Myths and their mythical symbols lead to creativity in literary works. We can understand a culture more deeply, and in a much better way, by knowing and appreciating its stories, dreams, and myths. Myths came before religions, and all religious stories are, in fact, retellings of global mythical themes. Besides literature, myths also play a great role in science, psychology, and philosophy.

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