Adult Learning
Do you remember what it was like to sit in a classroom? Rows of desks and chairs faced the teacher at the front of the room. Your job as a student was to be quiet, listen to the teacher, and do what you were told. This is an example of teacher-centered learning, usually involving children, called pedagogy. Adult Learning Adult learners have a different approach to learning. By the time you reach adulthood, you’re most likely responsible for your own success and you’re perfectly capable of making your own decisions once you have the information you need. Adults learn best when learning is focused on adult students, not on the teacher. This is called andragogy, the process of helping adults learn. The Differences Malcolm Knowles, a pioneer in the study of adult learning, observed that adults learn best when: They understand why something is important to know or do. They have the freedom to learn in their own way. Learning is experiential. The time is right for them to learn. The p...