Definitely Know How to Cat


Some prefer cats and some prefer dogs, but what if you can’t decide between the two?

There are quite a few pups with the mannerisms of a feline. They like to climb fridges and trees, and even fold themselves for a nap in a box after these workouts. Still can’t believe what I’m saying? Do you think that such creatures exist only in fairytales and Disney movies? Then continue scrolling and check out the amusing images we collected as proof. Let’s take a look!

#1 Cat Trees Aren’t Meant For Dogs

#2 He Grew Up With Two Cats

#3 And Then He Realized, He Is Not A Cat

#4 I Think My Pit Hangs Out With The Cat Too Much

#5 Enjoy This Slideshow Of Dexter, Who Doesn’t Understand His Legs

#6 What Story Can You Write Based On This Picture?

#7 My Dog Wanted To See What The Cats Are Up To Downstairs


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