Before and After Having Kids
Children are one of the greatest joys in life. A new life begins when you start raising children and creating beautiful, new memories together as a family. However, it’s not without its challenges and compromises though.
The photos shared here contrast photos of adults in their pre-children prime with the now. Although they were once young, attractive, and without a care in the world, they now have to contend with chaotic tiny humans instead. But they see the lighter side of it all though.
#1 This Doesn’t Even Need A Caption

#2 Oh How The Mighty Have Fallenight To Brighten Up My Dads iPad Screen

#3 From Rock God To Pretty Little Princess!

#4 Before And After Having Children

#5 From Blessed To Pissed!

#6 This Is Literally The Coolest Cat I’ve Ever Seen. If I Were That Kid I Would Not Put Another Sticker On Him Or He Might Sit There And Take It!

#7 Life’s A Beach, Then You Cry

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