Casablanca Beats


From the dark, comes the light. The state of being unfree, muted, suppressed by all expressions is often considered a dark situation. Freedom, the creation of a space for speech, a space for shared expression, is light. Anas (played by Anas Basbousi, known as Bawss, a Moroccan Hip Hop artist) believes that Hip Hop is a way of creating that free space.

Anas, a former popular Hip Hop artist, comes to a class at the cultural center of Sidi Moumen, a suburb in Kasablanka, Morocco. He firmly believed in the values of Hip Hop and instilled them in the class participants: teenagers with different reasons wanting to learn Hip Hop. Classes are not always smooth, sometimes it’s tough and stiff. But all points of view are voiced, clashed, forming a piece of contemporary Moroccan world that is similar to Indonesia in the struggle between modernity and religiosity. Hip Hop beats and rhythms in this film are different from American/Hollywood Hip Hop rhythms. The film is not musical, but almost observational, as closely as possible to social reality. The film entered the Palme d'Or Cannes Film Festival 2021 competition.

Nabil Ayouch is a director who has been going back and forth in major world film festivals such as the Cannes Film Festival, Un Certain Regards 2012, and the first feature-length film to represent Morocco for the Oscars in 1997. In his work, he brings up another side of life that is considered controversial. His film, Much Loved, which is set inn Marrakech, was banned in 2015 by the Moroccan government. Ayouch reportedly suffered a murder attack after the film was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. Ayouch was born to a Moroccan Muslim father and a French mother of Tunisian-Jewish descent. He spent most of his childhood in the suburbs of Sarcelles and Casablanca which inspired him a lot.



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