Funny Introvert Memes
Introverts and extroverts see the world very differently, but they’re both loveable in their own unique ways. However, the world of introversion and extroversion is much more complex than it would first seem. Real introverts and extroverts are far rarer than we think; extroversion is actually a spectrum, not binary; and the vast majority of us are actually ambiverts, falling somewhere in the middle. Dr. Spark, who has researched the link between introversion and leadership, explained to us that introverts think about social interaction differently from extroverts and this may impact their career paths and positions.

“For many decades, we have known that extroverts tend to perform better in leadership roles and are selected into leadership roles more often, however, more recent scientific work has been exploring how and why this happens,” Dr. Spark said.

Dr. Spark continued: “Introverts are known to underpredict how good they will feel in future social interactions if they forecast themselves acting extroverted (because, perhaps surprisingly, acting extroverted is actually quite enjoyable, even for introverts). Given leadership situations require extroverted behavior, we expected that introverts’ propensity to forecast more negative affect would probably help to explain why they do not rise into leadership positions as much as extroverts. This is indeed what we found.”

I will absolutely die on this hill.

That’s the greatest feeling in the world!!!

So true!!!

Love the fact that there is not even a number to contact

It was such a relief not to have to make excuses to get together with people.
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