Write Maintenance Request


Whether you’re an up-and-coming young professional or a seasoned manager, email writing is a vital aspect of business communication. And thanks to what’s often seen as the mysteries of English grammar and the subtleties of the written word, it can be a daily struggle. That’s especially true if you have to motivate busy people to respond or address a potentially touchy subject. To write a great email, you need to know two things: common mistakes to avoid, and next-level strategies to get ahead.

The reason to write

For starters, landlords and property managers can be busy people! Putting your request in writing makes their job easier – there is, most often, a system in place to ensure that all such requests are taken care of expeditiously, either by severity of the problem or in order received.

Second (and most important), a formal, dated communication serves as proof that you made staffers aware of the problem and provides a timeline by which the resolution, or lack thereof, can be tracked if need be.

Who to talk to

Some apartment communities have automated systems where maintenance requests can be filed online, while others require maintenance requests to be filed in person at the office. For the former, be sure to get a reference number and print a copy of the submission (and if the system generates an auto-response, save it!). For the latter, request a signed photocopy as proof of submission for your files.

When a problem arises, call your designated contact (whether that’s the landlord or a management office) right away to let them know about the problem, but follow up immediately with a written maintenance request to ensure your problem is expeditiously tended – and that you will be protected in the process.

Details are important. Any necessary repairs should be meticulously described. This will ensure the landlord, handyman or technician is prepared to tackle the job. It’s also important to remind your property manager of required notice before entry (if you can’t remember, this information should be in your lease).

Be polite and professional

Always be polite in your communication with your landlord or property management company. Remember that should your requests go unanswered, these letters and emails will serve as proof that you followed the procedure reasonably and with courtesy.

Part of that courtesy is patience. Most maintenance issues are resolved within a very reasonable amount of time. Afford your maintenance staff at least a couple of days to get to yours. If the problem is more severe (for example, it’s the height of winter and your heat is not working), there are usually laws that govern how much time a landlord has to respond. Look up your state’s laws so that you’re in the know.

Sample maintenance request letter

Your Name
Current Address of Your Apartment, unit ###
City, State, Zip Code


Landlord Or Apartment Company’s Name
Address as Printed on Your Lease
City, State, Zip Code

Re: Maintenance request

Dear [Name of landlord or manager],

I am writing to request repairs to the [appliance, heating/air conditioning, plumbing issue – be specific!] due to [reason for repair; this could include things such as broken handle, leaky sink hose, even normal wear-and-tear that would necessitate replacement].

[Describe the issue in detail here, such as the lock on the north-facing window adjacent to the driveway is broken or the air conditioning is not cooling my apartment. State the reason – even if obvious – the repair or replacement is needed.]
I have already [left a message on voicemail or spoke with someone in the office] and am following up with this formal communication.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could arrange for [these repairs/this replacement] as soon as possible. Please contact me at [phone/email] if you have any questions or need to make arrangements and let me know when the work will be completed.


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